3 big mistakes you are doing as a community manager

Paola Bernal
3 min readAug 11, 2020

Right now, more than 5 companies are offering the same thing you do in social media, how can you compete against those marketing wolves, well, the first thing I will share with you are these 3 big mistakes as a community manager that you need to erase from your books, ASAP.

1.- Have an account on every possible social media out there.

Yes, you need to have a good presence on social media, but this doesn’t mean you have to have a profile on every possible social media platform out there.

The best way to be present on social media is to focus on one or two platforms. One way to pick the best platform for your business is knowing where your target spends most of their time, that’s how you get a good presence, interacting with your customers right at their playground.

2.- Too many posts

I’ve heard plenty of community managers raving about how good it is to keep the posts going, but the truth is, your readers are sick of seeing your posts all over their feeds, they will just end up disliking your profiles. This is the complete opposite of what every business owner wants.

The best way to keep the interaction high between you and your customers’ making between 4 to 5 daily posts, ensuring that at least 3 are heavily sale oriented and the rest are more friendly, even funny, this will keep the reader to want coming back to you.

3.- “Revamping” content is hurting you

The biggest social media platform, Facebook, has a clear algorithm that benefits way more to organic content over generic one. What is organic content? It’s another word to refer to the original content. It’s very obvious when you are trying “very hard” to relate with your readers, they sense it and just push them away. You can avoid this by just being more creative in your way of sharing your products and/or content, the type of graphics you use, even the editions. Attention to detail is key.

4.- Stop ignoring comments

I understand managing a social media account can be very overwhelming, especially if you don’t have a team backing you up, but you need to prioritize the engagement, make sure you are replying to comments and direct messages because your readers will realize that what they are telling you matters in the growth of your company. Also, having good levels of engagement ensures your social media account will be pushed to 100% of your followers.


Your readers or however you want to call them, are your number one priority during the whole process, starting from creating your product, to all the way until your clients receive the product and use social media to share their experience with your company.

Taking good care of your actions as a community manager will affect to some degree how your sales are performing. My best advice for you is always to listen to constructive criticism and find ways to improve.

This can be done just by taking a Community Manager Course, there are plenty out there, free and paid. Do your research and pick the one that is more complete for your current needs. Investing in your education is never a wrong decision. I did it and it definitely has helped me with my own business.

The world of social media is constantly changing, be aware of this, update yourself and you and your company will be fine.



Paola Bernal

Mexican writer. Currently obsessed with Tik Tok.